Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Cicada Press


Cicada Press is a research group of the University of New South Wales operating at the College of Fine Arts. It was set up by its Director Michael Kempson to: "foster research projects that facilitate a diverse contemporary dialogue and promote the broad methodological potential of printmaking practice". The press is a custom printing model with an educational focus, and an emphasis on open dialogue and relationships with the wider artistic community. The aims of the Cicada Press stated on its website are:
- To support practical research into autographic, photographic and digital printmaking processes. - To mediate in the production of fine art prints created by artists, collaborative teams and indigenous communities invited to work within COFA Custom Printing undergraduate and postgraduate courses.
- To foster relationships through printmaking related projects between COFA UNSW and university art schools internationally.
- To provide educational leadership as a centre of excellence in custom printmaking practice.
- To develop a local, regional and international dialogue through print exchange exhibitions that reflect current research outcomes.


Paper Does Not Refuse Ink